Ironic as it may be, Bill Clinton introduced Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner in 2007. Huma first met the Clintons when she began working for Hillary in 1996 as a young intern. Bill actually officiated at their marriage in 2010.
Like Bill, Anthony has a penchant for young women. His lust and lack of fidelity to his wife cost him his Congressional seat in 2011 and made him a public disgrace, with an unfortunate name. Of course nowadays that just means you run for office again, and so run again he did in 2013, this time for Mayor of New York. But yet again a Weiner sex scandal ended his ambitions.
Like Hillary, Huma seemed rather unfazed by her husband’s sexual issues until only recently when his actions seemed to threaten Hillary’s campaign. Huma then quickly filed for divorce.
Interestingly, Huma is a Muslim and Weiner is Jewish.
I used to work in Washington DC and spent some time on the Hill. The rumor even back then was that Hillary was a lesbian and that’s why she didn’t care about Bill’s affairs, as long as he did not get caught. They are said to have an open relationship and Hillary and Huma are believed by some to be lesbian lovers.
Who knows, but either way it’s sad that our politicians so often are so subnormal when it comes to healthy family relations. And yet our kids are made to think that such infidelity and strange value systems are okay. (I’m including all politicians in this statement).
Now, after yet another Weiner sex scandal, this time with an underage girl, the Feds have stumbled upon 650,000 emails on his and his wife’s computer, some of which or many of which, may have something to do with Hillary Clinton.
The lighthearted side of me can’t help but find it funny that a guy named Weiner may finally prove to be the downfall for the Clintons. The name will serve as a great mnemonic device for kids studying US history for generations to come.
Let’s see if Americans and Utahns especially can now overcome their “consciences” by voting for the lesser of two evils, and the only candidate on the ballot that can keep the Clinton Crime Family from retaking office.
If Utah is the reason for Hillary’s victory, then the “Elders of Israel” will not only have NOT saved the Constitution “hanging by a thread” but will rather be the CAUSE for a Constitutional crisis.
For me, every election is about choosing the lesser of evils. Not about choosing a prophet-in-chief. Trump is of course no saint, but neither was Romney, or any other candidate to run for the office.
Some of us would rather soothe our consciences than make a decision between two less than ideal choices. That’s understandable, but I think it’s short sighted. One of them will win. And if nothing else, one of them will choose Supreme Court Justices.
We live in this world and often must play with the cards we are given. Even Mormon who vowed he would not lead his wicked people into battle repented of his oath and did what we must often all do — make the best of what we have until we have something better.
Hopefully the fight over the lesser of evils will not divide us as a people. I respect those who may disagree with me and recognize that my logic may not be perfect. But for me, one candidate on the ballot winning means more time for us to prepare.