Something New

Total Solar Eclipse as seen from the Sawtooth Mountains on August 21, 2017 One of the most memorable things our family participated in was the Solar Eclipse of 2017. It was truly amazing, mesmerizing, ominous, and somehow just felt very portentous of unknown things to come. The fact that it Read more…

Not Many Years

Not many years before the Lord sent fire and earthquakes and tempests and pestilence to America as a prelude to His coming, the Judges in the land became corrupt. And seeing the people in a state of such awful wickedness, and those Gadianton robbers filling the judgment seats, having usurped Read more…


AP Photo/Alex Brandon People who hate our nation peddle the false narrative that America is “systemically” racist.  When asked how it can be fixed, their response is a mish-mash of words that if put succinctly would read:  “You can’t.  America’s founders were white and so everything this nation is built Read more…