Consequences of Compulsion

Today the Deseret News is reporting that BYU basketball star Richard Harward’s alleged knee injury last week is not a knee injury after all, but rather a “cardiovascular issue.”  The 6’11” Orem High recruit is a key player on BYU’s team.  Source

The article states:

Coach Mark Pope said the 6-foot-11, 256-pounder from Orem could be sidelined for an indefinite period of time due to a cardiovascular issue.

Doctors are monitoring Harward closely.

“It’s super tough for us. It’s a huge blow to our team. Rich has a cardiovascular issue right now that he’s going to be out for at least a little while,” Pope said. “It’s kind of going to be like every week seeing how he does. Super devastating for him.

“He’s in the best shape of his life, he’s playing the best basketball of his life. He is the emotional leader of this entire team over the last two years. His emotional leadership is even a bigger loss than his body on the floor. We miss him. We’re hoping he gets back as soon as possible. But we just don’t know. It could be days, weeks or months. We’re just not sure.”

Could this be a season-ending situation?

“I hope not. The doctors haven’t given us any definitive end date,” Pope said. “We’re super hopeful that it will be soon but we just don’t know.”

What the Church-owned Deseret News is not reporting is that the perfectly healthy young Harward was coerced by the LDS Church into getting the CoVid vaccine and had just received an injection 8 days before the incident.  Make no mistake, this is yet another vaccine casualty that is not being reported on.

Are these vaccines really safe and effective as our Church leaders have promised?  Will the Church be honest about this devastating situation?  Or will it double down on their position?  Will the Church now change its position on mandatory vaccines for BYU students and for missionaries?  Will they now allow for religious exemptions?  Will this young man and his family sue the Church?  (Not that any amount of money can ever make him whole.)  Does this news mean that the Brethren are not inspired?  Not receiving revelation on this issue?  Could they be leading people astray?

Well, you heard it here first.  Let’s see how long it takes for the Church to publish what it knows right now.  Every second that ticks by is evidence of dishonesty and coverup.  And tragically, lives are literally hanging in the balance.  As I write this, the Church (and the state of Utah) is supporting children getting vaccinated who are zero percent at risk of dying from CoVid.  How many members of the Church will lose their faith in these men and possibly their lives because they were compelled to do as they were told?

Their temptation is to cover up and control what people see, hear, and know.  Just like how YouTube makes this video below “age restricted” to discourage people from seeing it.  As Church leaders have said in the past, “Not all Church history is faith promoting” and so they’ve made a deliberate decision to control the narrative and not be transparent or honest about their history.  Will they follow the same course on this issue also?  At the cost of peoples’ lives?

This one is also a must watch: