Remembering Him

I’ve added a page to this website with a link to the recorded Sacrament prayers for people who may not currently have access to a fellowship where Priesthood Holders are available. For more information you can click here.

Trifling With Souls

Picture from the website In trying times such as these there are many voices clamoring for our attention.  Crises present opportunities for self-interested people to sell their wares.  Often it’s an ideology that’s for sale,  fueled by a vain ambition to be popular or to feel important and validated.  Read more…

The Dark Shepherd

We often forget that Hiram Page was one of the eight witnesses of the Golden Plates.  Hiram is best remembered for his peep stone and the revelations he was receiving in 1830, a short time after becoming a witness. I had forgotten that Oliver Cowdery along with David Whitmer and Read more…

Mormon Idol?

One of the definitions of the word idol is “an object of extreme devotion.”  The term is most often used today when referencing movie stars and other famous people. In the scriptures, we’re taught to not have idols or graven images and are commanded to not even trust in the Read more…

Pierre Delecto

While many view him as a modern-day Judas, Mitt Romney sees himself apparently as Peter, the perfect stone — “Pierre Delecto,” a secret pen name chosen by his truly. This is not the first time Mitt Romney has come off as self-righteous or strange. Remember when he was asked what Read more…


175 years ago Joseph and Hyrum were taken from our midst.  This day is always a solemn one for me.  I love those men who communed with Jehovah.  They left behind them their wives and young children.  They died willingly and offered themselves up as a sacrifice, I believe, for Read more…

“Truth Claims”

Written by LDS author Brian Hales (anesthesiologist) who clearly wants Polygamy to be true. More young people are leaving the Church.  I’m not sure anyone knows the exact number, but it’s safe to say that most people know someone under the age of 40 who has left in the last Read more…