New Scriptures Information

In way of information, here are two links I have found quite helpful regarding the New Scriptures project.


A couple weeks ago I was asked by a friend to post this announcement when it came out.  As I support the project and believe it to be of great worth, I gladly keep that commitment and include the entire announcement here without further comment: ____________________________________________________________ RESTORATION SCRIPTURES ANNOUNCEMENT March Read more…

True Repentance

Yea, I would that ye would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for behold, now is the time and the day of your salvation; and therefore, if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you Read more…

Church Bubbles

This is an image you’re going to see a lot of in the news and around the bloggernacle.  It’s from a leaked powerpoint presentation (UPDATE – the LDS Church has issued a take down notice to Mormon Leaks) that was given to the 12 Apostles in December of 2015.  It highlights what Church leaders Read more…


One of the main reasons I started this blog a couple years back was so that I could express my views anonymously and without retribution from the Church.  It was at a time where I was struggling and needed to vent. As most of you know and as I have Read more…


  So it was like 100 years ago where some really nice person decided to form an all girls organization that would encourage among many things, female solidarity and women’s roles and virtues. Way back then, no one seemed to care whether those private groups quote unquote discriminated against the Read more…

The Profit

I’ve mentioned before that I have two deal breaking issues with the Church. Do the Brethren see the Lord or not? And are they or are they not a part of the lay ministry we boast about? A recent comment on this blog sums up my concern better than I Read more…

Too Sacred

In following Mormon tradition that “some things are too sacred to share,” perhaps we should remove from our canon and our speech all references to any man or woman beholding the resurrected Lord.  We should eliminate Mary’s testimony from the Garden Tomb.  It’s simply too sacred.  We should take out Read more…

A Temple

There’s been a lot of discussion of late regarding a new temple fund that both members and non-members are donating to.  Before the LDS Church established tithing as the mechanism to pay for temples, “temple funds” were very common. In the early days of the Church and according to Malachi, Read more…