Mitt Romney Mormons

LDS Living reported a rumor last week that Mitt Romney is getting ready to jump into the 2016 presidential race.  This would obviously be big news, but interestingly LDS Living seems to be the only “news outlet” covering the story. I guess I’m somewhat surprised that LDS Living is apparently Read more…

“I Am Scripture”

In a recent meeting Elder Bednar was supposedly asked a question by a sister missionary about women and the priesthood. He’s said to have given his own thoughts about the subject and when he concluded, the sister asked a follow up question.  “Are there any scriptures that talk about this Read more…

Defending Freedom

It is my belief that the Constitution is an inspired document akin to scripture.  As Latter-day Saints we ought to be particularly mindful to defend its principles, knowing that the failure to do so will lead to our destruction.  This is the message and warning of the Book of Mormon Read more…

No Poor Among “Them”

Is the church building Zion? General Conference, October 2014 The purpose for establishing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was to build the Kingdom of God on Earth and establish latter day Zion.  Faithful members, some of whom cannot always afford it, consecrate tithes and offerings to support Read more…