Musings of a Fool

Wise and Foolish Virgins (Source) I’ve spent a fair amount of time on this blog highlighting things that have contributed to my loss of faith in the direction of the LDS Church.  I began in 2014 shortly after having been released as a bishop.  However, my concerns actually began many Read more…

Too Sacred

In following Mormon tradition that “some things are too sacred to share,” perhaps we should remove from our canon and our speech all references to any man or woman beholding the resurrected Lord.  We should eliminate Mary’s testimony from the Garden Tomb.  It’s simply too sacred.  We should take out Read more…

The Publicity Dilemma

Mormonism is heading in a new direction. In times past, Church leaders fought very hard to limit or stamp out completely any anti-Mormon pamphleteers near Temple Square.  Today they are donating millions of dollars to a new theater that will play The Book of Mormon musical, a production that mocks Read more…

Profits, Sewers, and Elevators

Words matter.  When today’s 15 Apostles of the Church use words to describe themselves such as “true messengers, special witnesses, sure witnesses, certain witnesses, prophets, seers, revelators, and apostles” it becomes our sacred duty to determine if they are being misleading or telling the truth.  Especially given that we pay Read more…

Mitt Romney Mormons

LDS Living reported a rumor last week that Mitt Romney is getting ready to jump into the 2016 presidential race.  This would obviously be big news, but interestingly LDS Living seems to be the only “news outlet” covering the story. I guess I’m somewhat surprised that LDS Living is apparently Read more…

Defending Freedom

It is my belief that the Constitution is an inspired document akin to scripture.  As Latter-day Saints we ought to be particularly mindful to defend its principles, knowing that the failure to do so will lead to our destruction.  This is the message and warning of the Book of Mormon Read more…

The Boise Rescue

Some of you are aware that Elder Oaks and church historian Richard Turley made a special trip this weekend to Boise, Idaho to try to resolve questions of faith apparently prevalent in that area.  You can listen to the presentation made by Elder Oaks and Brother Turley by clicking here. Read more…

Latter Gay Saints

Boy Scout Casey Chambers carries a rainbow flag during the San Francisco Gay Pride Festival in California June 29, 2014. REUTERS/Noah Berger The president of Boy Scouts of America is now pushing to allow open, avowed, and practicing homosexual adults into its leadership ranks.  This just after promising its supporters Read more…