Summer of Love There seems to be confusion as to what love is, and what it’s not. Some would have you believe that true love is to remove all consequences so that no one is ever punished or “hurt” by their own choices. “We should simply love those who commit crimes, not Read more…

These Things Come Among You…

I recently watched two very good presentations that gave me a broader scriptural context for the current events we now witness. Both dispelled any confusion I may have entertained on the subject of Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter is, by its own definition, a Marxist, anti-American, anti-traditional family, Queer-Transgender, Read more…


I recently received an unexpected response for having sent a video presentation to some people I’m close to. This video makes a very compelling case that Joseph Smith didn’t teach or practice polygamy. I’ve included a link to it at the end of this post. I was taken aback by Read more…