Nothing is Random

September 10, 1973 – Denver Snuffer was baptized and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. October 6, 1979 – The LDS Church, with no vote from its members, eliminated the office of the Presiding Patriarch. Eldred G. Smith, direct grandson of Hyrum Smith, was Read more…

Something New

Total Solar Eclipse as seen from the Sawtooth Mountains on August 21, 2017 One of the most memorable things our family participated in was the Solar Eclipse of 2017. It was truly amazing, mesmerizing, ominous, and somehow just felt very portentous of unknown things to come. The fact that it Read more…

Church Bubbles

This is an image you’re going to see a lot of in the news and around the bloggernacle.  It’s from a leaked powerpoint presentation (UPDATE – the LDS Church has issued a take down notice to Mormon Leaks) that was given to the 12 Apostles in December of 2015.  It highlights what Church leaders Read more…