Dieter F. Dupdorf

Latter-day Saint leader says oversight led to campaign donations made in his name to Biden, others Elder Uchdorf gave financial contributions to fraudulently elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris this last year as well as to other democratic candidates and organizations.  He also gave money to the two liberal Senatorial Read more…

Summer of Love There seems to be confusion as to what love is, and what it’s not. Some would have you believe that true love is to remove all consequences so that no one is ever punished or “hurt” by their own choices. “We should simply love those who commit crimes, not Read more…

Not Many Years

Not many years before the Lord sent fire and earthquakes and tempests and pestilence to America as a prelude to His coming, the Judges in the land became corrupt. And seeing the people in a state of such awful wickedness, and those Gadianton robbers filling the judgment seats, having usurped Read more…


  So it was like 100 years ago where some really nice person decided to form an all girls organization that would encourage among many things, female solidarity and women’s roles and virtues. Way back then, no one seemed to care whether those private groups quote unquote discriminated against the Read more…