
Demonstrators protest the death of George Floyd, Sunday, May 31, 2020, near the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
AP Photo/Alex Brandon

People who hate our nation peddle the false narrative that America is “systemically” racist.  When asked how it can be fixed, their response is a mish-mash of words that if put succinctly would read:  “You can’t.  America’s founders were white and so everything this nation is built on is broken, by virtue of their being white.”

These same people and those that sympathize with them, say that white privilege is also something that can’t be fixed.  It’s not that white people necessarily have an advantage because they have more access to education or are born into wealth.  They often don’t. White privilege, according to them, is merely a by-product of being white.  Again, it can’t be fixed, it can only be protested and ideally, rioted against.

Is the murder of George Floyd evidence that we have a systemic racist problem in our country?

I know of NO HUMAN who condones the brutal murder of George Floyd.  Was his death the result of racism?  I suppose that’s possible.  The officer who killed him very well may be racist. But even if that’s true, it’s the racism of ONE man, NOT an entire nation!

Who would feel any differently about the loss of ANY person’s life at the hands of anyone in this cruel and awful way?  If it had been a black cop, an Asian cop, a Hispanic cop, and a white victim, an Asian victim or a Hispanic victim — it would ALL be the same. All lives matter. Although apparently you can’t say that anymore. Somehow that’s racist. Just ask Grant Napear who after 28 years as a Sacramento Kings TV broadcaster was fired for tweeting “ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!”

This is not the time to talk about racism. This is NOT about racism. 

Letting this narrative be about racism when no normal person sympathizes with the disgusting actions of ONE person, plays into the hands of the anarchists who want to take down our nation.  The same Gadiantons who want to foment violence, looting, robbery, and anarchy.  “Racism” is just their latest excuse.

The Latest: California closes all downtown state buildings ...
AP Photo Evan Vucci

If there is racism to be condemned, it should also be directed at people (of any color) who on national TV are asked–while they riot, steal, and destroy–what they want to accomplish.  Many of their answers include “We are going to take down your government and your buildings and kill all you white people” … “And then we’re coming to your neighborhoods to destroy your houses and kill all the white people there.”  It’s a whole nother issue as to why it’s so hard to find these clips online… I watch them on live TV and then magically they are nearly impossible to find online.

Social Pressure to Acknowledge and “Condemn” Racism

I appreciate the idea that President Nelson is upset about “racism” and is telling people to “repent!” of it — and I assume he’s also talking about the racists who vow to come into Salt Lake City to loot and destroy… and to “kill white people.” But, I can’t help but wonder if he and many others feel like they have to say something. These anarchists want us to believe that “white silence” is the cause of their violence. They want us to bow the knee and “repent” of things we are not guilty of. They want us to be afraid. Afraid to speak. Afraid to be American. Afraid to support freedom and conservative values.

ANY sympathy for those who peddle the false narratives of white privilege and systemic racism, in my opinion, further emboldens those who have no interest in upholding our inspired Constitution or the pillars of virtue, morality, decency, and due process upon which this nation is founded and only fuels their violence.

I hope no Latter-day Saint takes President Nelson’s statements as a tacit endorsement of organizations such as Black Lives Matter.

I was troubled by an LDS friend’s recent comment that they wanted to go out and protest with the Black Lives Matter people at the Court House. I don’t care that my friend wants to exercise their God-given Constitutional right to protest in the name of free speech. But I am concerned that my LDS friend does not understand that Black Lives Matter has a much larger, evil agenda, and aligning with them only helps them promote their real cause.

How can white people fight racism? Hint: It takes more than social ...
Deseret News AP Photo Matt Dunham

Taken from their own website, Black Lives Matter (BLM) states that they are a “radical social intervention” and one of their “guiding principles” is to work to “dismantle cis-gender privilege and uplift Black trans folk.” (Cis-gender, by the way, is the term those of us are called, who are NOT gender-confused). BLM wants to undo the “privilege” of people who are NOT Transgender or at least make Transgender black women most specifically, privileged. In other words, they want their deviance to become normal and they want to re-write our laws and systems as the new Transgender Founders. Do those sound like the kind of values you can stand behind and support?

Here’s more:

“We are committed to fostering a queer-affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking or, rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual unless s/he or they disclose otherwise.”

Closer to home for us who are LDS, conservative, Christian or just pro-traditional family:

“We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, and especially ‘our’ children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable.” (Source)

These are the real reasons behind why BLM is looting, rioting, and protesting. It’s to take over our nation with their perverted ideologies. Why else would they not care for the life of David Dorn, the innocent black man they shot and killed over a TV while looting. Where are the David Dorn protests? How about the 17 people who have been killed in the protests?

They relish in murder. They don’t even really mourn the loss of George Floyd. They’re grateful that George Floyd was killed on camera so that they would have an excuse to advance their cause.

They set fire to homes, businesses, government buildings, cars. They don’t care if there are children in those homes. That’s collateral damage to them. They want their rebellion to catch on around the world. So far, “George Floyd” protests are taking place on 3 continents! That should tell you something.

Here’s what should make all of us feel uncomfortable…

Abortion: The Greater Atrocity – Lucid Theology
Lucid Theology

I want to know where the protests are for the 3500 innocent children killed each year in Utah alone. Where is the First Presidency social media statement? Where are the LDS protestors? Where is the rioting from these people who say that “lives matter”? Do you think the sweet little child who “can’t breathe” when his or her neck is being cut with a huge pair of scissors doesn’t need or want our support? Our solidarity? Our voice? Our outrage?

For those who truly care about Black Lives, did you know? :

Abortion impacts African Americans at a higher rate than any other population group. In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an Abortion Surveillance Report. According to that report, black women make up 14 percent of the childbearing population. Yet, 36 percent of all abortions were obtained by black women. At a ratio of 474 abortions per 1,000 live births, black women have the highest ratio of any group in the country.

When you use those percentages, it indicates that of the over 44 million abortions since the 1973 Roe vs Wade Supreme Court ruling, 19 million black babies were aborted. African Americans are just under 13 percent of United States population.

White women are five times less likely to have an abortion than black women. Perhaps it is a matter of availability. A study by Protecting Black Lives, in 2012, found that 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of minority communities.

The impacts on our black communities are hard to fathom. According to the Guttmacher Institute, which generally supports abortion, in 2011 360,000 black babies were aborted. CDC statistics for 2011 show that 287,072 black deaths occurred from all other causes excluding abortion. By these numbers, abortion is the leading cause of death among blacks.

See Source

I cannot imagine that a loving Father in Heaven will not soon avenge His 44 million children that this world has slain.

As for the riots we now witness, I think they will be part of the new normal. We went from being arrested if we left our homes (in some places) just 2 weeks ago, to those same leaders ignoring their own rules to join in the protesting. Not only do they no longer arrest these violators of the CoVid Quarantine, but they march with them (and not while social distancing) and refuse to arrest people they witness rioting.

Michigan Political Leaders Walk With Protesters | WWJ Newsradio 950


Only one thing seems certain, the day of the Gentile is coming to an end just as the angel told Joseph Smith in his first visit.  And if we do not repent, the sword of His justice hangs over us and will fall upon us, even upon all the nations of the gentiles. (RE 3 Ne. 9:7)

Good is called evil and evil is called good. Men’s hearts are cold. The Spirit of the Lord is withdrawing from us in this land of promise. It is as the days of Noah and Sodom and our world is ripening for destruction.

For those of us who wish to escape, it is my humble opinion that we cannot be drawn into such schemes. Into the worldly wizardry of words. The philosophies of men.

Our task is great. We must repent nigh unto death if we are to be firm minded enough to enter into the Ark of Zion to be saved. We cannot assume we are ready for our Lord to return. We must have a sure witness. We must know Him and He must know us.