Nothing is Random

September 10, 1973 – Denver Snuffer was baptized and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. October 6, 1979 – The LDS Church, with no vote from its members, eliminated the office of the Presiding Patriarch. Eldred G. Smith, direct grandson of Hyrum Smith, was Read more…

What’s Coming

It’s sobering to contemplate that millions, if not billions of people will die before the Lord comes again. It’s equally sobering to realize that in order to survive the apocalypse, we must be able to discern between true and false prophets. This is what saved the relative few when Jesus Read more…

The Star of Bethlehem

Click above to read more Tonight Jupiter and Venus will almost overlap in the western sky.  My understanding is that the last time this took place was 2 B.C.  Some say this new “star” was the very same sign given more than 2,000 years ago preceding Jesus’ birth.  John Pratt Read more…